2020-2021 Targeted Improvement Plans
FINANCIAL SERVICES Financial Reports as of October 31, 2020
November 2020 Budget Amendments
RFQ #21-19: Construction Manager-At-Risk
RFQ #21-20: Geotechnical/Materials Testing Professional Services
RFQ #21-21: Storm Shelter Peer Review Professional Services
ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES A. 2021 Graduation Location and Dates
INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES Amendment to District of Innovation Plan: First Day of School Prior to the First Monday in August
Discussion Regarding Procedure for Staff Notification of Salary Increases
2020 Bond Activity
Bond 2021
E. Closed Session: 1. Personnel Matters Including the Appointment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, Dismissal and/or Compensation of Individual District Employees (Pursuant to Texas Government Code 551.074) 2. Deliberations Regarding Abandonment of Contract by Teachers and the Attempt to Resign (Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074) 3. Deliberations Regarding Notifications to the State Board for Educator Certification of Teacher Contract Abandonment (Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074) 4. Discussion of Purchase, Exchange, Lease or Value of Real Property (Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.072) F. Open Session: 1. Adopt Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Real Property Described As Follows: a. TRACT 1. A 4.19 acre tract of land, more of less, out of a 23.83 acre tract, being in Block 8, Kemp & Newby Subdivision of Cherokee County School Lands, Wichita County, Texas. [3501 Henry S. Grace Freeway] b. TRACT 2. A 13.17 acre tract of land, more or less, out of a 23.83 acre tract, being in Block 8, Kemp & Newby Subdivision of Cherokee County School Lands, Wichita County, Texas. [3501 Henry S. Grace Freeway] c. TRACT 3. A 163.47 acre tract of land, more or less, out of Block 10, Kemp & Newby Subdivision of Cherokee County School Lands, A-33, Wichita County, Texas. [2550 Windthorst Road and 1001 E. Central Freeway] 2. Consideration and Possible Action Regarding Abandonment of Contract by Teachers and the Attempt to Resign 3. Consideration and Possible Action Regarding Notifications to the State Board for Educator Certification of Teacher Contract Abandonment
B. Applicant Pool X. ADJOURNMENT
2020-2021 Targeted Improvement Plans
FINANCIAL SERVICES Financial Reports as of October 31, 2020
November 2020 Budget Amendments
RFQ #21-19: Construction Manager-At-Risk
RFQ #21-20: Geotechnical/Materials Testing Professional Services
RFQ #21-21: Storm Shelter Peer Review Professional Services
ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES A. 2021 Graduation Location and Dates
INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES Amendment to District of Innovation Plan: First Day of School Prior to the First Monday in August
Discussion Regarding Procedure for Staff Notification of Salary Increases
2020 Bond Activity
Bond 2021
E. Closed Session: 1. Personnel Matters Including the Appointment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, Dismissal and/or Compensation of Individual District Employees (Pursuant to Texas Government Code 551.074) 2. Deliberations Regarding Abandonment of Contract by Teachers and the Attempt to Resign (Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074) 3. Deliberations Regarding Notifications to the State Board for Educator Certification of Teacher Contract Abandonment (Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074) 4. Discussion of Purchase, Exchange, Lease or Value of Real Property (Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.072) F. Open Session: 1. Adopt Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Real Property Described As Follows: a. TRACT 1. A 4.19 acre tract of land, more of less, out of a 23.83 acre tract, being in Block 8, Kemp & Newby Subdivision of Cherokee County School Lands, Wichita County, Texas. [3501 Henry S. Grace Freeway] b. TRACT 2. A 13.17 acre tract of land, more or less, out of a 23.83 acre tract, being in Block 8, Kemp & Newby Subdivision of Cherokee County School Lands, Wichita County, Texas. [3501 Henry S. Grace Freeway] c. TRACT 3. A 163.47 acre tract of land, more or less, out of Block 10, Kemp & Newby Subdivision of Cherokee County School Lands, A-33, Wichita County, Texas. [2550 Windthorst Road and 1001 E. Central Freeway] 2. Consideration and Possible Action Regarding Abandonment of Contract by Teachers and the Attempt to Resign 3. Consideration and Possible Action Regarding Notifications to the State Board for Educator Certification of Teacher Contract Abandonment
B. Applicant Pool X. ADJOURNMENT