ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Waiver Request for Appraisals
Waiver Request for Spring Instruction for Seniors in Hands-On CPR
Resolution of the Board Regarding Delegation to Superintendent for Waivers
Admissions: Intradistrict Transfers and Classroom Assignments: FDB(LOCAL) Discussion
Compensation and Benefits: Compensation Plan Policy DEA (LOCAL)
FINANCIAL SERVICES March 2020 Budget Amendments
Financial Reports as of February 29, 2020
2020-2021 Preliminary Revenue Projections
Interlocal Participant Agreement: Central Texas Purchasing Alliance
Skyward Software as a Service Renewal
RFP #20-19: Property Insurance
RFP #20-24: Food Service - Hot Food Serving Counter and Components
NWEA MAP Growth K-12 and MAP Reading Fluency
TASB Risk Fund Auto Insurance
COVID-19 Transportation and Vendor Resolution
INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES Resolution for School@Home Grading
Chartwells 2020-2021 Contract Renewal
Long Range Facility Planning
C. Closed Session Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.071: 1. Consultation with District's Legal Counsel Regarding Legal and Procedural Issues Concerning Employee Level III Grievance Appeal Closed Session Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074: 1. Personnel Matters Including the Appointment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, Dismissal and/or Compensation of Individual District Employees 2. Discussion of Purchase, Exchange, Lease or Value of Real Property 3. Hearing and Deliberation on Level III Grievance Appeal of Employee Amber Paulson 4. Deliberations Regarding Superintendent's Recommendation Concerning the Renewal of One-Year Term or Probationary Contracts of Employment as Noted on the List Provided by Administration for Certified/Non-Certified Administrators, Teachers, and Professionals 5. Superintendent's Annual Evaluation, Contract, and Compensation E. Open Session: 1. Consideration and Possible Action Regarding Level III Grievance Appeal of Employee Amber Paulson 2. Consideration and Possible Action Concerning the Renewal of One-Year Term or Probationary Contracts of Employment as Noted on the List Provided by Administration for Certified/Non-Certified Administrators, Teachers, and Professionals 3. Consideration and Possible Action Regarding Superintendent's Annual Evaluation, Contract, and Compensation
IX. HUMAN RESOURCES A. Personnel Report B. Applicant Pool X. ADJOURNMENT
ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Waiver Request for Appraisals
Waiver Request for Spring Instruction for Seniors in Hands-On CPR
Resolution of the Board Regarding Delegation to Superintendent for Waivers
Admissions: Intradistrict Transfers and Classroom Assignments: FDB(LOCAL) Discussion
Compensation and Benefits: Compensation Plan Policy DEA (LOCAL)
FINANCIAL SERVICES March 2020 Budget Amendments
Financial Reports as of February 29, 2020
2020-2021 Preliminary Revenue Projections
Interlocal Participant Agreement: Central Texas Purchasing Alliance
Skyward Software as a Service Renewal
RFP #20-19: Property Insurance
RFP #20-24: Food Service - Hot Food Serving Counter and Components
NWEA MAP Growth K-12 and MAP Reading Fluency
TASB Risk Fund Auto Insurance
COVID-19 Transportation and Vendor Resolution
INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES Resolution for School@Home Grading
Chartwells 2020-2021 Contract Renewal
Long Range Facility Planning
C. Closed Session Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.071: 1. Consultation with District's Legal Counsel Regarding Legal and Procedural Issues Concerning Employee Level III Grievance Appeal Closed Session Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074: 1. Personnel Matters Including the Appointment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, Dismissal and/or Compensation of Individual District Employees 2. Discussion of Purchase, Exchange, Lease or Value of Real Property 3. Hearing and Deliberation on Level III Grievance Appeal of Employee Amber Paulson 4. Deliberations Regarding Superintendent's Recommendation Concerning the Renewal of One-Year Term or Probationary Contracts of Employment as Noted on the List Provided by Administration for Certified/Non-Certified Administrators, Teachers, and Professionals 5. Superintendent's Annual Evaluation, Contract, and Compensation E. Open Session: 1. Consideration and Possible Action Regarding Level III Grievance Appeal of Employee Amber Paulson 2. Consideration and Possible Action Concerning the Renewal of One-Year Term or Probationary Contracts of Employment as Noted on the List Provided by Administration for Certified/Non-Certified Administrators, Teachers, and Professionals 3. Consideration and Possible Action Regarding Superintendent's Annual Evaluation, Contract, and Compensation
IX. HUMAN RESOURCES A. Personnel Report B. Applicant Pool X. ADJOURNMENT