I. CALL TO ORDER AND OPENING STATEMENT Opening statement by the President, including an announcement whether a quorum is present, that the meeting has been duly called and notice of the meeting has been posted for the time and manner required by law. II. INVOCATION
Construction Update for Career Education Center (CEC)
Furniture Purchase for CEC
February 2017 Budget Amendments
Budget Process and Timeline
Digital Classroom 3.0
17-26 E-RATE WAN Services and Modulating Electronics
Personnel Report
Applicant Pool
Closed Session Pursuant to Texas Government Code 551.074: Deliberations Regarding Superintendent's Recommendation Concerning the Renewal of One-Year Contract of Employment as Noted on the List Provided by Administration for Certified/Non-Certified Administrators, Teachers, and Professionals
I. CALL TO ORDER AND OPENING STATEMENT Opening statement by the President, including an announcement whether a quorum is present, that the meeting has been duly called and notice of the meeting has been posted for the time and manner required by law. II. INVOCATION
Construction Update for Career Education Center (CEC)
Furniture Purchase for CEC
February 2017 Budget Amendments
Budget Process and Timeline
Digital Classroom 3.0
17-26 E-RATE WAN Services and Modulating Electronics
Personnel Report
Applicant Pool
Closed Session Pursuant to Texas Government Code 551.074: Deliberations Regarding Superintendent's Recommendation Concerning the Renewal of One-Year Contract of Employment as Noted on the List Provided by Administration for Certified/Non-Certified Administrators, Teachers, and Professionals