I. CALL TO ORDER AND OPENING STATEMENT Opening statement by the President, including an announcement whether a quorum is present, that the meeting has been duly called and notice of the meeting has been posted for the time and manner required by law. II. INVOCATION
June 2016 Budget Amendments
Preliminary Budget Draft for 2016-2017: General Operating, Food Service, and Debt Service Funds
Temporary Personnel Services, RFP #16-38
RFP #16Q-49 Cleaning and G-Max Testing of Synthetic Turf at Memorial Stadium
Removal and Resurfacing of Hirschi and McNiel Tennis Courts
Food Service Chips RFP #16-54
Declaration of Surplus Properties Resolution for Alamo and Holland
Investment Policy, Annual Investment Report, Investment Brokers and Investment Officer Training Providers
Charitable Contribution Acknowledgement of Contribution Forms
Stipends for 2016-2017
Personnel Report
Applicant Pool
Consider Board Election Cycle
Endorsement of Candidate for TASB Board of Directors
C. Closed Session: Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, Deliberate the Appointment and Evaluation of Trustee Applicants for the District 5 Position D. Open Session: Consideration and Possible Action Concerning the Appointment and Evaluation of Trustee Applicant for the District 5 Position VI. ADJOURNMENT
I. CALL TO ORDER AND OPENING STATEMENT Opening statement by the President, including an announcement whether a quorum is present, that the meeting has been duly called and notice of the meeting has been posted for the time and manner required by law. II. INVOCATION
June 2016 Budget Amendments
Preliminary Budget Draft for 2016-2017: General Operating, Food Service, and Debt Service Funds
Temporary Personnel Services, RFP #16-38
RFP #16Q-49 Cleaning and G-Max Testing of Synthetic Turf at Memorial Stadium
Removal and Resurfacing of Hirschi and McNiel Tennis Courts
Food Service Chips RFP #16-54
Declaration of Surplus Properties Resolution for Alamo and Holland
Investment Policy, Annual Investment Report, Investment Brokers and Investment Officer Training Providers
Charitable Contribution Acknowledgement of Contribution Forms
Stipends for 2016-2017
Personnel Report
Applicant Pool
Consider Board Election Cycle
Endorsement of Candidate for TASB Board of Directors
C. Closed Session: Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, Deliberate the Appointment and Evaluation of Trustee Applicants for the District 5 Position D. Open Session: Consideration and Possible Action Concerning the Appointment and Evaluation of Trustee Applicant for the District 5 Position VI. ADJOURNMENT