II. PRESENTATION OF COLORS I. CALL TO ORDER AND OPENING STATEMENT Opening statement by the President, including an announcement whether a quorum is present, that the meeting has been duly called and notice of the meeting has been posted for the time and manner required by law. III. INVOCATION
VI. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES A. Phase I Bond Project Civil Additions/Renovations for McNiel and Barwise RFP #16-08.A and RFP #16.09.A
VII. INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES A. Class-Size Exception Waiver
VIII. CONSENT AGENDA A. Minutes B. Personnel Report C. Financial Reports as of July 31, 2015 D. Region 9 Service Center Contract E. 2015-2016 PDAS Additional Certified Appraisers F. Preventive Elevator Maintenance and Inspection RFP #16-01 G. Waiver for Homebound and Remote Instruction
X. BOARD MATTERS A. Facility and Bond Planning B. Closed Session: Pursuant to Texas Government Code 551.074 Personnel Matters Including the Appointment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, Dismissal and/or Compensation of individual District Employees C. Closed Session: Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074 (Personnel Matters Discussion Regarding Teacher Consideration and Possible Action Regarding Abandonment of Contract and Teacher Attempt to Resign, and Regarding Possible Notification to the State Board of Educator Certification Regarding Same D. Open Session: Consideration and Possible Action Regarding Abandonment of Contract and Teacher Attempt to Resign E. Open Session: Consideration and Possible Action Regarding Notification to the State Board for Educator Certification of Teacher Contract Abandonment XI. ADJOURNMENT
II. PRESENTATION OF COLORS I. CALL TO ORDER AND OPENING STATEMENT Opening statement by the President, including an announcement whether a quorum is present, that the meeting has been duly called and notice of the meeting has been posted for the time and manner required by law. III. INVOCATION
VI. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES A. Phase I Bond Project Civil Additions/Renovations for McNiel and Barwise RFP #16-08.A and RFP #16.09.A
VII. INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES A. Class-Size Exception Waiver
VIII. CONSENT AGENDA A. Minutes B. Personnel Report C. Financial Reports as of July 31, 2015 D. Region 9 Service Center Contract E. 2015-2016 PDAS Additional Certified Appraisers F. Preventive Elevator Maintenance and Inspection RFP #16-01 G. Waiver for Homebound and Remote Instruction
X. BOARD MATTERS A. Facility and Bond Planning B. Closed Session: Pursuant to Texas Government Code 551.074 Personnel Matters Including the Appointment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, Dismissal and/or Compensation of individual District Employees C. Closed Session: Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074 (Personnel Matters Discussion Regarding Teacher Consideration and Possible Action Regarding Abandonment of Contract and Teacher Attempt to Resign, and Regarding Possible Notification to the State Board of Educator Certification Regarding Same D. Open Session: Consideration and Possible Action Regarding Abandonment of Contract and Teacher Attempt to Resign E. Open Session: Consideration and Possible Action Regarding Notification to the State Board for Educator Certification of Teacher Contract Abandonment XI. ADJOURNMENT